Difference Between a Steak Burger and a Hamburger


It is a common misconception that all burgers are hamburgers. This is not the case! There is, in fact, a big difference between a steak burger and a hamburger.

What is a Steak Burger?

A steak burger is a type of hamburger that uses steak as its main ingredient. The beef is typically ground up and then formed into a patty, which is then grilled or fried. Steak burgers are often considered to be a more sophisticated version of the classic hamburger, and they are often served with upscale toppings such as avocado or blue cheese. While steak burgers are generally more expensive than traditional hamburgers, many people believe that they are worth the extra cost due to their flavor and juiciness.

What is a Hamburger?

So, what’s the difference? Hamburgers, on the other hand, are made from ground beef that is seasoned and grilled or pan-fried. Hamburgers are also usually served on a bun with condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and pickles.


Steak burgers tend to be juicier and have more flavor than hamburgers. This is because the steak burger patty has more surface area exposed to heat, which allows for more of the meat’s natural flavors to be released.

Hamburgers, on the other hand, tend to be less flavorful. This is because the ground beef is cooked in a pan with onions and spices, which can actually end up masking the beef’s natural flavor.


The price difference between a steak burger and a hamburger can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of meat used, the cut of meat, and the size of the burger.

Steak burgers are typically made with beef chuck, which is a relatively lean cut of meat. Hamburgers are made with ground beef, which can be a mixture of different cuts of beef, including chuck, sirloin, and brisket.

The fat content of the ground beef will also affect the price. In general, steak burgers will cost more than hamburgers because they are made with a higher quality of meat. However, the size of the burger can also play a role in pricing. A steak burger is typically larger than a hamburger, so it will cost more per ounce. For example, a four-ounce steak burger might cost $15, while a four-ounce hamburger might only cost $8.

How to Cook

When it comes to burgers, there are two schools of thought: cook the meat all the way through, or let it keep a little pink in the center. For a steak burger, the latter is definitely the way to go. Cooking the meat all the way through will result in a dry, overcooked burger. The key is to get a good sear on the outside of the meat while still keeping it juicy on the inside.

For a hamburger, on the other hand, you’ll want to cook the meat all the way through. This will help to prevent any potential foodborne illnesses. Once again, getting a good sear on the outside of the meat is important for flavor. You’ll also want to make sure that the hamburger is cooked evenly all the way through.

The best way to do this is to use a digital thermometer. Inserting the thermometer into the thickest part of the burger should give you a reading of 160 degrees Fahrenheit when it’s done. Both steak burgers and hamburgers can be cooked on a grill, in a cast-iron skillet, or in a regular kitchen skillet.

If you’re,using a grill, you’ll want to make sure that the coals are at a high heat before adding your burgers. For a cast-iron skillet, you’ll want to heat it over medium-high heat before adding your burgers. If you’re using a regular kitchen skillet, you’ll want to heat it over medium heat before adding your burgers.

No matter which method you choose, cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of your burgers. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to cook your burgers for about four minutes per side for medium rare or six minutes per side for well done.

However, the best way to know for sure is to use a digital thermometer. Whichever method you choose and whatever level of doneness you prefer, following these tips will help you create delicious steak burgers and hamburgers that everyone will enjoy.

What to serve with a Steak or Hamburger

When it comes to burgers, there are endless possibilities for toppings and side dishes. For a steak burger, consider adding grilled onions, mushrooms, and peppers. For a hamburger, you could add cheese, bacon, or avocado. If you’re looking for something a little more adventurous, top your burger with avocado, bacon, and jalapeno peppers.

As for side dishes, some options include roasted potatoes, sweet potato fries, onion rings, or a simple salad. And no burger is complete without a cold beverage on the side. For a summertime twist, pair your burger with an ice-cold beer or a refreshing glass of lemonade.

Which to choose: Steakburger vs Hamburger?

Both are delicious options when it comes to burgers, but there are some Pros and Cons to each.

The Pros of Steak Burgers

1. They’re Juicy: One of the main reasons why people love steak burgers is because they’re so juicy. The high-fat content in the beef helps to keep the burgers moist and flavorful, even when cooked well done.

2. They’re Flavorful: Another pro of steak burgers is that they’re extremely flavorful. The combination of the beef’s natural flavors with the Maillard reaction that occurs when the meat is cooked creates a delicious taste that’s hard to beat.

3. They’re Simple to Make: Steak burgers are also very simple to make. All you need is some ground beef, salt, pepper, and a grill or pan, and you’re good to go!

The Cons of Steak Burgers

1. They Can Be Messy: One downside of steak burgers is that they can be quite messy to eat. The juices from the burger tend to drip down your hand as you eat, making for a sticky situation.

2. They Require Special Equipment: Another con of steak burgers is that you need special equipment to cook them properly. If you don’t have a grill or cast iron skillet, you won’t be able to get that perfect sear on the outside of the burger.

3. They Have a Short Shelf Life: Finally steak burgers have a shorter shelf life than other types of burgers because of their high-fat content. Once they’ve been cooked, they should be eaten within 2-3 days, or else they’ll start to spoil.

Pros of Hamburgers

1. Hamburgers are delicious. There’s no denying that a well-made burger is a thing of beauty.

2. They’re versatile. Whether you like your burger with just cheese or loaded with toppings, there’s a way to make it that will suit your taste.

3. They’re affordable. Hamburgers are a cheap and easy meal to make at home, and they’re usually reasonably priced when eating out as well.

Cons of Hamburgers

1. They’re not particularly healthy. Hamburgers are high in fat and calories, which can lead to weight gain if consumed in excess.

2. They can be messy to eat. Let’s face it, burgers can be tough to eat gracefully. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up with ketchup and mustard all over your face (and clothes).

3Ground beef can be contaminated with bacteria such as E. coli, which can cause illness if the meat is not cooked properly. When consuming hamburgers outside the home, it’s important to make sure that the meat is cooked thoroughly to prevent food poisoning.


Can I make a steak burger without a grill?

Yes! If you don’t have access to a grill, you can cook your steak burger in a cast-iron skillet on the stovetop. Just be sure to use enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan and heat it over medium-high heat before adding your burgers.

What kind of beef should I use for a steak burger?

A: Any type of ground beef will work, but we recommend using 80/20 ground chuck for the best flavor and juiciness.

How do I know when my hamburger is done cooking?

The best way to tell is by using a digital thermometer. Insert it into the thickest part of the burger and look for a reading of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can you cook a steak burger from frozen?

Yes, but it’s best to thaw the burger first so that it cooks evenly. If you’re in a hurry, you can cook the burger directly from frozen, but be aware that it will take longer to cook through and may not be as juicy.

Does the type of bun make a difference?

Yes, it does! A soft, fluffy bun will help to soak up all the delicious juices from the burger, while a harder, crustier bun will hold everything together and make for a neater eating experience. Experiment until you find a bun that you like best.

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Steve Page
.....With a love of the great outdoors be it in the backyard, hiking or fishing
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