About Us


Thanks for visiting our site and sorry if you came here expecting information on Back Yard Sumo Wrestling!

So if we haven’t disappointed you with our lack of fat, Japanese wrestlers, let’s talk about what Backyard Sumo is about…..

Basically it is about taking time to enjoy our backyards and gardens; to just sitting and enjoying our surrounding over a morning coffee or an evening glass of wine to cooking up some delicious foods on our outdoor grill for family and friends.

These days it doesn’t cost a fortune to set up a beautiful and functional backyard area that will make you proud and online shopping has made it easy to find products that in years gone by you would have never found.

Backyard Sumo is your one stop guide to getting the most from your garden and backyard. We’ll provide you with tips and techniques for a beautiful outdoor living space, outdoor cooking tips and recipes, product reviews of the best gear on the market and much, much more.

We’d love it if you bookmark our site and come back and visit us from time to time

Regards from the Backyard Sumo Team