Best Pizza Grill Pans – Our Top Three Picks

Hey Pizza lover thanks for checking out this article. If you love the idea of cooking pizza in your backyard on your grill then you have come to the right place. We have researched all the pizza grill pans we could find online and narrowed our favorites down to just three products.

So you might still be on the fence and be asking yourself why do I want to cook my pizza on the grill anyway, I’ve got a perfectly good oven indoors.

For me I just love cooking outdoors, smoking and grilling food in my backyard is my hobby, in the summer months apart from sleeping and working I am rarely indoors. My oven hardly gets used and I can sit outside in a comfortable chair, open an ice cold beer and take in the delicious odours of my pizza while waiting for it to cook.

I’ve found food on the grill always tastes better and cooking pizza outside is no different, cooking it over coals really gives it a unique tasty flavor.

If you have friends of family over for barbecue parties I find that pizza’s go down really well especially with the vegetarians [ there’s always at least one!]

The three pizza grills we have found are not listed in any order, they all have unique features and functions so we will leave it up to you to choose the one that you like.

Eastman Outdoors BBQ Grill Pizza Pan Review

Eastman Outdoors BBQ Grill Pizza Pan


Eastman is a well known brand for outdoor cooking products and this dedicated BBQ Grill Pizza Pan is our first pick.

It comes in three sizes 10″ 12″ or 16″ and will work with both a charcoal or gas grill.

Rather than resting right upon the grill, this pan is elevated to enable even heating free from burning. Cooking a pizza evenly is one of the primary challenges when making a decent pizza and Eastman have made sure this isn’t an issue.

One of the previous negatives about this item was that the coating started flaking off after use, Eastman has now rectified this and it is no longer an issue.

From reading reviews online and finding other issues with this product we noted that most of the complaints really stemmed from the users not seasoning or oiling the grill pan before use.

It was recommended to spray the pan with a coating of oil before use to stop the dough sticking to the pan. It was also mentioned that it was better cooked over indirect heat rather than over the flames.

A final warning to point out is that the pan gets very, very hot, so when you are ready to take it off the heat make sure that you are wearing a decent pair of heat-resistant gloves and have a trivet or something similar close by to put it down on. We’d advise letting the pizza cool down a bit before serving it to your guests!

[amazon box=”B0002OOMSA” title=”Eastman Outdoors Pizza Grill Pan” description=”Grill delicious pizzas without them getting burnt with this innovative outdoor cooking solution from Eastman”]

Cuisinart CNPS-417 Pizza Grilling Pan Review

Cuisinart CNPS-417 Pizza Grilling Pan


This budget option from Cuisinart is a popular choice, you can cook pizza’s up to 12” in size on it but the inexpensive price and compact design means that you could easily purchase two and cook two pizza’s side by side if your grill has the capacity.

No worries if you have a smaller BBQ as you will find that it is a lot faster to cook than oven baked pizza, so you won’t have to wait long.

Apart from the great price the main feature of this item is the heat resistant handle, you won’t need to worry about burning your hands and the handle folds up easily to store away when you are not using it. As well as this it means you can close the grill lid completely so the pizza gets infused with the delicious smokey flavor from the grill.

It also makes a useful vegetable roaster, don’t you hate it when your veggies fall through the grates on to the coals! Oil it up and throw some onions, asparagus or other vegetables of choice on it and be prepared for some of the tastiest vegetables you’ve ever had.

There’s little to fault about this great piece of outdoor cooking equipment from Cuisinart.

[amazon box=”B0063D3MVW” title=”Cuisinart Pizza Grill Pan” description=”The useful handle, non-stick surface and great price make this a no-brainer for anyone who wants to cook pizza outside”]

Professional Pizza Pan Set

Pack of 2 Pizza Pans with holes 13 inch - Professional set for restaurant type pizza at home grill barbecue

As well as being one of our top picks its also Amazon’s choice.

In this set, you actually get 2 Pizza grill pans that are 13” in size.

Sturdy with a non-stick coating that makes them easy to clean they are perfect for outdoor cooking.

The perforated holes in the pans ensure a nice crispy base. We did read a couple of complaints online regarding the coating flaking but we wonder if the users overdid it with the heat, they are designed to withstand temperatures of 500 °F.

The majority of reviewers online were extremely positive using them on the grill or in the oven produced great results.

[amazon box=”B00WVFM8OI” title=”2 Piece Grill Pan Set – Amazon’s Choice” description=”2 pans means double the pizza you can eat, great reviews and a competitive price make these pans worth checking out”]

Any three of our top picks will make you a grilled pizza addict. If you are like me you will find yourself experimenting with different toppings when you have the time. But even if you are pressed for time a frozen one will taste much better than you can imagine.

Grill pans, of course, aren’t the only option, many pizza aficionadi swear by cooking their pizza on a stone and just to finish off we are going to recommend a good alternative to the grills that we have mentioned already.

Man Law BBQ Products PS2 Series Ceramic Pizza Stone

This ceramic pizza stone comes with a frame constructed from Stainless Steel it can be used with a smoker, grill or a wood-fired pizza oven or just your standard kitchen oven if the weather isn’t so great.

This gets all round positive reviews and the only negative we could really find is that it is a bit more expensive than using a grill pan. But this is a quality ceramic pizza stone that will make fantastic tasting pies.

[amazon box=”B072MRXJCW” title=”Ceramic Pizza Stone from Man Laww BBQ” description=”If you are looking to impress then this Ceramic Pizza Stone won’t fail you in looks or functionality”]

Hopefully, we have helped you find your choice for the Best Pizza grill Pan or maybe even changed your mind and got you interested in purchasing a ceramic stone instead! If you do like to cook pizza’s on the grill we’d love to hear your tips and recipes.

Author Profile

Steve Page
.....With a love of the great outdoors be it in the backyard, hiking or fishing
Steve loves to share his tips on how to get the best from your patio, yard or
garden, rain or shine. Researching the best products from garden furniture to smokers and Generators. Steve will keep you up to date with the latest gear to make your outdoor space the best it can be.
