The People to Invite to Make Your Backyard Barbecue a Success

It’s the season for having amazing backyard barbecues! It’s time to break out with the grills, get the pools clean and start sending out those invitations. If you want to have a successful barbeque, you need to pay close attention to the type of person you invite. If you invite the wrong type of person, it could leave the bbq grill tipped over, broken windows and fights – if you want a successful bbq, instead of a disastrous one, I have something in store for you … my own list of the people you want around to make your backyard barbecue a success!

Let me start out by telling you that I have been there before … I invited the wrong people to my first bbq and ended up with a disaster on my hands … a disaster I don’t even want to remember. It wasn’t until my fifth bbq that I learned the type of people I wanted around.

So, let’s get started …

The People you Want to Invite

The DJ

The DJ is the one that supplies the music. The music is the one that supplies an energetic attitude. If you want that happy, energetic party type attitude in people, then you cannot leave out the music. You could always turn your playlist on shuffle, but having a good DJ at your party would be even better!

The Good Party Animal

Oh yes, having a party animal at your BBQ can be good or bad … it all depends on the type of party animal you have. The good type of party animal is friendly to everyone around them and loves to laugh – the good party animal is considerate of others. I will be covering the bad party animal in the end of this article where I talk about the type of people you don’t want at your barbecue.

The Cook

How do you expect the food to get cooked if you don’t have a cook? The cook could be you (if you love cooking), or it could be your uncle, next door neighbor, or whoever else likes to be in control of the grill. Just one rule – the cook MUST be good at grilling food.

The Happy Drunk

By “the happy drunk,” I’m talking about those people who get super funny and happy after a couple of beers. The happy drunk is the type of person that becomes the life of the party, without disrespecting people around him/her.

The Dog

Even better than a dog or a guy with a frizbee ..yes a Dog with a Frizbee!

The dog … oh how I love having my dog at BBQs, but he’s well trained. You can have a dog, but you got to tell him how to chill and keep his nose out of people’s crotches when he greets them – you got to teach him to stop stealing hot dogs from the hands of kids and how not to potty in front of a crowd of people.

Guy with a Frisbee

Is there a guy in your social list that likes playing Frisbee? I have this one friend that always brings his Frisbee to my BBQs and we always end up playing Frisbee by the pool … it’s super fun. So yes, you should definitely invite a guy with a Frisbee!

The Person Who Likes to Laugh

If you have a person that likes to laugh, go ahead and invite them – that’s what every bbq needs laughter.

The Photographer

You don’t want an ‘In your face’ person for this and you want someone who is discreet.

But when you’ve cooked that perfect steak you want the proof. You also want all the great photographic memories to share with your family and friends.


People You Don’t Want at Your Barbecue

Oh yes, there are people you do not want at your barbecue. I know, these people may be your friends, but maybe you could just schedule a lunch date with them in the near future and leave their name off of an invitation to you bbq?

The Person Who Complains about Loud Music

Who the heck goes to a party to complain about loud music? Let them stay at home

Negative Nancy

No one needs a Negative Nancy at a BBQ. BBQ’s are meant to be fun, filled with positivity, not negativity.

The Bad Party Animal

The bad party animal is the type of person that is no fun to be around – the person that is super loud and rowdy.

The Militant Vegan

Kick that guy out of your barbecue now! It doesn’t matter if you’re vegetarian, vegan, whatever, that it’s a ton of non-meat related food that doesn’t belong at a BBQ. Don’t fill the grill with those fake veggie burgers, they are not “just as good.”

The Raging Drunk

No one needs a raging drunk – this is the opposite of drinking and being funny … these are the type that drink and get super angry.

Here’s a video of some other Fools that you certainly wouldn’t want near your Barbeque Party!

So now that you see the type of people you need to invite to your bbq and the type of people you need to avoid, you should be able to have a successful BBQ. If you end up inviting someone that causes stress during your BBQ, just make note of it and mark them off of your list for the next bbq.

Author Profile

Steve Page
.....With a love of the great outdoors be it in the backyard, hiking or fishing
Steve loves to share his tips on how to get the best from your patio, yard or
garden, rain or shine. Researching the best products from garden furniture to smokers and Generators. Steve will keep you up to date with the latest gear to make your outdoor space the best it can be.
