Best Propane Burner for Home Brewing

Thanks for visiting, I’m guessing you are here for one of two reasons, you are already brewing beer outdoors but want to upgrade your set up. Or you are just starting out and want to find the best home propane burner for your home-brewing needs.

There is nothing better than brewing beer, cooking food and then drinking and eating in the great outdoors, just as nature intended. Maybe it’s the caveman in me but it can’t be beaten in my opinion.

You might not agree with me and the only reason you are brewing outside is because someone in your household doesn’t like the smell of wort brewing. You will soon come to appreciate this outdoor solution, you will have so much more room to brew. It will also be much easier to clean up after yourself.

So in this article, we are going to take a look at 5 of the best propane burners that have been engineered to brew beer outdoors. There are others on the market but they don’t match the standards of the ones we are going to review here.



Edelmetall Brü Burner Review

We love the stylish but old fashioned solid look of this burner. Forget your old Turkey Fryer setup, this is the sort of burner that you will want if you are serious about your outdoor beer brewing.

The guys behind this certainly know what a brew master requires when they want a dedicated propane burner for homebrew.

Apart from its great looks it has a lot to offer;

First up it is super quiet, you can hardly hear any noise from it, the neighbors won’t have any idea that you are brewing outside.

It’s 72,000 BTUs so it boils in no time and once it does reach temperature it has a handy valve to control a boil over as well.

If your old set up resulted in the bottom of your pot getting blackened then you will be pleasantly surprised to find this isn’t so when you use the Edelmetall Bru Burner.

The adjustable grates on the burner lets you use pots of different sizes for your brew.

All in all, this is one bad ass propane burner that we just love….

The only two downsides would be that it’s a pretty expensive burner. But sometimes the old cliche ‘you get what you pay for’ is true. This is a well-built piece of equipment that will last a good few years if treated right. The only other issue is slight and that is that its aesthetic appeal will dimish a little with use as the copper will start to tarnish after the first boil


Check out a video below of the Burner set up and in action

We recommend the leg extension kit

Many of the reviewers decided on purchasing the leg extension kit for this burner. It is tailored to enhance the impressive stainless-steel and copper exterior of the burner. The optionally available leg extension will raise up your kettle to a more convenient 27″. It provides the structural rigidness needed to support heavy kettles and big batches. It comes with a reinforced triangle base that offers an unrivaled sturdiness even if the terrain is rough. The extra height is ideal for when you need to drain wort straight into a fermenter. You will never have to lift a hot and full brew pot again.

Bayou Classic SS84 Review

This is another burner that has been designed for home brewing though looking at reviews online many users have been using it for crab and crawfish boils and cooking turkey as well.

The Bayou Classic SS84 is made from solid Stainless Steel and is built low and wide so it is very stable.

With a total output of 60,000 BTU. it is not quite as powerful as many of the other brew burners that we are reviewing here but that is reflected in the cheaper price. It can hold a brew kettle with an overall capacity of 100-quart if needed.

One of the better features of this brew burner is the included 360-degree windshield.

This would be the perfect brew burner if you are just starting out with outdoor home brewing, or wanted a great multi-use burner. Grab a kettle for brewing and a stockpot for cooking and you can make the most use of this burner.

The Dark Star Propane Burner 2.0 Review

The Dark Star 2.0 is probably the most talked about burner in the online outdoor home brewing communities recently and all positive.

This is an updated version of their original model, which I will be honest and say I know very little about it.

What I do know about the Dark Star 2.0 is that it is a 65,000 BTU burner that not only looks great, works great and gets good reviews it is also very budget friendly.

The adjustable regulator means that you can make more beer quicker and with more precise control. Dark Star state that it only take minutes to boil five gallons. From what I am reading online it seems to be ideal for 3 to 5-gallon batches which should be fine for the majority of home brewers out there.

Like the Bayou Classic, it also comes with a windshield which is always a useful addition to an outdoor burner.

The likelihood is if you are upgrading from a less superior burner you will love the time you save with this burner. This is a nice affordable dedicated brew burner that is certainly worth the price.



GAS ONE  Portable Propane  Single-Burner Review

There are two big selling points for this burner first of all its impressive 200,000 BTU output which is fully adjustable. Secondly that it has height adjustable legs that also can be removed, so this is great if you also want to use it for camping or want to store it away easily.

It’s getting very good reviews online with customers describing it as easy to set up and use. Despite some reservations about how sturdy it looks users have reported that it can hold a lot of weight and is ‘super sturdy’.

The Only negative was that on first use the paint burnt off it, I’m guessing there aren’t many paints that can take that sort of heat. The tip here is to let the paint burn off and then use your pot or kettle on it.

If you’re looking for a high BTU portable burner then this one has your name all over it!

Bayou Classic Single Burner Patio Stove Review

Here’s another burner from Bayou. This is the lowest price burner that we have reviewed so there is no excuse to get your outdoor home brewing set up even if you are on a budget.

What we like about this one is that it has been selling for close on 10 years and is still selling well with good reviews. This is a sure sign that it is a quality product.

The Output is the lowest of the brew burners that we have been discussing here with 55,000BTU but it should still perform well but not to the same degree as some of the dedicated brew burners.

Reviewers described this burner as stable and the only real negative once again is the paint burning off on first use. It’s also probably worth getting a wind guard if your backyard is a little breezy.

This will take pots of most sizes and can be used for other purposes so for the newbie ‘outdoor chef/ brewmaster’ this is a great way of getting into outdoor cooking and brewing. Trust me it gets addictive! Overall the Bayou Classic burner is worth the price and ideal for beginners.


You’ll want to grab a decent brew kettle to complement your burner. This article is about the Best Propane Burner for Home Brewing. Maybe we will follow up with an article on brew kettles at a later date.

Here’s a few tips though;

Ideally go for Stainless Steel over Aluminium

Even if you plan on producing small batches now, get a kettle that is a little bigger than your needs, who knows how much you might want to brew in the future.

Go for one with sturdy handles

Make sure that you read a few of the reviews on Amazon to see if any potential problems are flagged.


If you want a complete kit this one from Northern Brewer is a good purchase it includes the Dark Star 2.0 Burner, a Tall Boy Kettle and a copper Chiller. Everything you need as well providing a faster brewing time.


So which is the Best Propane Burner for Home Brewing

This is going to depend on your needs and budget. If you have the money to invest in a top of the range brew burner we would recommend the Edelmetall Brü Burner as our top pick, investing in the leg extension add-on will also make it the most ergonomic option. If you are going to be using a burner solely for brewing then go for one of the dedicated burners such as the Dark Star 2.0. Basically any of the ones we reviewed will do the job some faster than others.

Author Profile

Steve Page
.....With a love of the great outdoors be it in the backyard, hiking or fishing
Steve loves to share his tips on how to get the best from your patio, yard or
garden, rain or shine. Researching the best products from garden furniture to smokers and Generators. Steve will keep you up to date with the latest gear to make your outdoor space the best it can be.
